The Final Outpost

Avogadro Guakamole's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Avogadro Guakamole's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • Avogadro Guakamole has 5318 creatures
  • Joined on May 28th, 2022
Creature: OsAdy FL.05Mga.7.53.hhDD.1M.OsAdy - Osad
Creature: H5BK3 FL.05Mib.7.68.hhDh.2F.H5BK3 - Harsh
Creature: sJnRE FL.05Nae.4.75.hhDr.1F.sJnRE - Sjena
Creature: W5pJs FL.05Nba.4.56.hhDh.1F.W5pJs - Jodek
Creature: RH9se FL.05Ncc.4.44.hhDD.2M.RH9se - Hoarse
Creature: vFW0z FL.05Nea.4.57.hhDD.1M.vFW0z - Wafel
Creature: mZxxn FL.05Nfc.4.42.hhDh.1F.mZxxn - Maxima
Creature: qDxwU FL.05Nfg.4.32.hhDr.3M.qDxwU - Dexter
Creature: P5XNy FL.05Nge.4.73.hhDr.3F.P5XNy - Penny
Creature: AnBpy FL.05Ngh.4.93.hhDr.3F.AnBpy - Alfa
Creature: Wgq5I FL.05Ngh.4.93.hhDr.4F.Wgq5I - Wiggle
Creature: lZ6ZB FL.05Oii.4.88.hhDr.1F.lZ6ZB - Izazbel
Creature: oWDcX FL.06Bba.5.56.hrDD.1F.oWDcX - Owca
Creature: Q7ogv FL.06Bdf.5.21.hrDh.1M.Q7ogv - Onotger
Creature: VuUcL FL.06Bdg.5.31.hrDD.1M.VuUcL - Vuulf
Creature: OqhSF FL.06Caa.5.55.hrDh.1M.OqhSF - Okruch
Creature: Kz6HP FL.06Ead.1.15.hrDr.1M.Kz6HP - Peszek
Creature: BwimM FL.06Eeb.1.67.hrDh.2F.BwimM - Bwim
Creature: wL2aq FL.06Efc.1.42.hrDr.2F.wL2aq - Lapis
Creature: 9n9jI FL.06Ehh.1.99.hrDD.2F.9n9jI - Nine
Creature: AIfLz FL.06Gba.3.56.hrDr.1M.AIfLz - Alflonz
Creature: N8jjQ FL.06Gbf.3.26.hrDr.1M.N8jjQ - Nox
Creature: EixAq FL.06Hcf.6.24.hrDD.1F.EixAq - Exis
Creature: zXhnX FL.06Hfa.6.52.hrDh'3M.zXhnX - Zenon
Creature: GacMp FL.06Iff.9.22.hrDh'3F.GacMp - Grace
Creature: 15HYr FL.06Iid.9.81.hrDh.1M.15HYr - Hryja
Creature: a10eJ FL.06Jab.6.56.hrDh.1M.a10eJ - Aloe
Creature: mh4Ar FL.06Jcb.6.46.hrDh.1F.mh4Ar - Mah
Creature: rkYRH FL.06Ldf.8.21.hrDh.1M.rkYRH - Rick
Creature: Zhmfo FL.06Oag.4.53.hrDD.2M.Zhmfo - Zamenhoff
Creature: F5koi FL.07Aac.8.54.rDDD.1M.F5koi - Koi
Creature: fasZk FL.07Aai.8.58.rDDD.1F.fasZk - Fuss
Creature: cpoda FL.07Bad.5.15.rDDD.1M.cpoda - Quatropod
Creature: QbR88 FL.07Bfg.5.32.rDDh.2M.QbR88 - Kubrik
Creature: AR55N FL.07Bfi.5.82.rDDr.2M.AR55N - Arsen
Creature: elqDm FL.07Bgh.5.93.rDDh.1F.elqDm - Elk
Creature: kH38M FL.07Dge.2.73.rDDh'4F.kH38M - kH38M
Creature: Pkw4f FL.07Eaf.1.52.rDDh.1M.Pkw4f - Fafel
Creature: 7c8dZ FL.07Eba.1.65.rDDD'4M.7c8dZ - Zdzisiu
Creature: mqL2N FL.07Hff.6.22.rDDr.2F.mqL2N - Mosquito
Creature: d4V4K FL.07Jeh.6.79.rDDh.3M.d4V4K - Dvorak
Creature: ZE9VK FL.07Jhe.6.97.rDDD.2F.ZE9VK - Zew
Creature: JDZ4Z FL.07Keh.7.79.rDDh.1F.JDZ4Z - Opryszczka
Creature: Bc0mh FL.07Lia.8.58.rDDD.2F.Bc0mh - Behemot
Creature: ER6Q7 FL.08Bac.5.45.rhDr.2M.ER6Q7 - Error
Creature: Rxy4r FL.08Bfa.5.52.rhDh.1F.Rxy4r - Roxane
Creature: v4cdl FL.08Cbd.5.61.rhDh.1M.v4cdl - Wandad
Creature: yS5xR FL.08Ceg.5.73.rhDD.2F.yS5xR - Earthbound
Creature: WDhbP FL.08Dbd.2.61.rhDh.1F.WDhbP - Warlock
Creature: NVDqG FL.08Dcd.2.14.rhDh.1F.NVDqG - NVDqG