The Final Outpost

Avogadro Guakamole's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Avogadro Guakamole's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • Avogadro Guakamole has 5318 creatures
  • Joined on May 28th, 2022
Creature: 6eZms FL.21Hei.6.87.DDrD.2F.6eZms - Bella
Creature: LPkbw FL.21Hhh.6.99.DDrD.2M.LPkbw - Lepros
Creature: gQMNj FL.21Jei.6.78.DDrr.2M.gQMNj - Minor
Creature: GMwJi FL.21Lci.8.84.DDrD.2M.GMwJi - Gemji
Creature: Iratx FL.21Ndf.4.21.DDrD.1M.Iratx - Irasiad
Creature: 2NyUI FL.21Nhd.4.19.DDrD.2M.2NyUI - Nyuma
Creature: wgcoD FL.21Nhd.4.19.DDrD.2M.wgcoD - Docgw
Creature: DdzSC FL.21Ohb.4.96.DDrh.2F.DdzSC - Disk
Creature: VneSs FL.22Bab.5.65.DhrD.1M.VneSs - Vness
Creature: 1Qhc9 FL.22Bia.5.58.DhrD.1M.1Qhc9 - 1Qhc9
Creature: ro04y FL.22Bic.5.48.DhrD.1F.ro04y - Rooray
Creature: 9YDYo FL.22Caa.5.55.DhrD.1M.9YDYo - 9YDYo
Creature: I1tUf FL.22Cag.5.53.Dhrh.1M.I1tUf - Lithium
Creature: qsueF FL.22Cfa.5.25.Dhrh.1M.qsueF - Sue
Creature: 3nWbj FL.22Cie.5.87.DhrD.2M.3nWbj - Wyboje
Creature: n3Mk6 FL.22Dbb.2.66.Dhrr.1F.n3Mk6 - Nemo
Creature: sadlD FL.22Ddi.2.81.Dhrh.1M.sadlD - SadID
Creature: d8Y8V FL.22Deg.2.73.Dhrr.1F.d8Y8V - Karenina
Creature: cEChR FL.22Dfh.2.92.DhrD.1F.cEChR - Cecha
Creature: 3JHze FL.22Efa.1.25.Dhrr.1F.3JHze - Hazel
Creature: 1ZRgX FL.22Gbf.3.26.Dhrh.1F.1ZRgX - Fitzgerald
Creature: djmhc FL.22Hea.6.57.Dhrh.1F.djmhc - Dynamika
Creature: 3YgJL FL.22Hfd.6.12.DhrD.1M.3YgJL - Yogi
Creature: 9BaWi FL.22Iag.9.35.Dhrh.1F.9BaWi - 9BaWi
Creature: NXryM FL.22Jie.6.87.Dhrh.1F.NXryM - Nyxrim
Creature: Kxuxe FL.22Kfc.7.24.Dhrr.2M.Kxuxe - Kxuxe
Creature: d6Q3D FL.22Ldf.8.21.Dhrr.2F.d6Q3D - d6Q3D
Creature: hbyZt FL.22Mbb.7.66.DhrD.1M.hbyZt - Zbigniew
Creature: pBxy7 FL.22Mbb.7.66.Dhrh.1F.pBxy7 - Beksa
Creature: uOkcA FL.22Meb.7.67.Dhrh.1M.uOkcA - Ukoca
Creature: Vsh7J FL.22Nac.4.45.Dhrr.1M.Vsh7J - Wesz
Creature: IhvzR FL.23Bii.5.88.Drrr.1M.IhvzR - IhvzR
Creature: 3UhT4 FL.23Naa.4.55.Drrh.1F.3UhT4 - Utah
Creature: FPwhK FL.24Agb.8.36.hDrD.1F.FPwhK - Hawk
Creature: GYaJN FL.24Bci.5.84.hDrD.1M.GYaJN - GYaJN
Creature: sAarm FL.24Beg.5.37.hDrh.3F.sAarm - Sara
Creature: CU13Q FL.24Bha.5.59.hDrh.2F.CU13Q - Chrom
Creature: yaXln FL.24Bha.5.59.hDrr.1F.yaXln - Yaxlin
Creature: tgWVg FL.24Bhi.5.89.hDrh.2M.tgWVg - Vogelzwigel
Creature: fj769 FL.24Cbc.5.64.hDrD.1M.fj769 - Fajfus
Creature: mu1Rb FL.24Cha.5.95.hDrh.3F.mu1Rb - Murky
Creature: fbpY3 FL.24Chi.5.98.hDrh.1M.fbpY3 - Rust
Creature: qOwpt FL.24Dbc.2.46.hDrr.1M.qOwpt - Kompot
Creature: KmJ3B FL.24Dhb.2.69.hDrh.1M.KmJ3B - Kajmak
Creature: VgWB2 FL.24Dhc.2.49.hDrh.2M.VgWB2 - Volkenbewer
Creature: r5zpl FL.24Ecc.1.44.hDrD.1F.r5zpl - Rzepa
Creature: 7FL1Y FL.24Gaf.3.25.hDrh.1M.7FL1Y - Fly
Creature: tFj2q FL.24Gbh.3.96.hDrh.1M.tFj2q - Tajfun
Creature: B7RH6 FL.24Mag.7.35.hDrh.1M.B7RH6 - Bertold
Creature: yzbuf FL.24Mbc.7.46.hDrD.1F.yzbuf - Bufor