The Final Outpost

Avogadro Guakamole's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Avogadro Guakamole's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • Avogadro Guakamole has 5318 creatures
  • Joined on May 28th, 2022
Creature: BjLEv FL.16Cif.5.82.hrhD.1F.BjLEv - BjLEv
Creature: XARPq FL.16Daa.2.55.hrhh.1M.XARPq - Xantros
Creature: WIaTj FL.16Dfa.2.52.hrhr.1M.WIaTj - Wladislav
Creature: sFqlA FL.16Eab.1.65.hrhD.1F.sFqlA - Klukfa
Creature: Zy0x4 FL.16Eai.1.85.hrhh.1F.Zy0x4 - Zira
Creature: BaIaE FL.16Ecc.1.44.hrhD.2M.BaIaE - Baleron
Creature: Oac68 FL.16Eeb.1.67.hrhD.1M.Oac68 - Azurite
Creature: Dmu4Q FL.16Ffb.3.26.hrhh.1F.Dmu4Q - Wind
Creature: F1srY FL.16Gac.3.45.hrhh.1M.F1srY - Fisry
Creature: RrIql FL.16Gbe.3.76.hrhh.1M.RrIql - RrIql
Creature: CR1iC FL.16Gda.3.51.hrhr.1M.CR1iC - Crick
Creature: kWhTC FL.16Gdb.3.61.hrhD.1M.kWhTC - Energy
Creature: HMxcK FL.16Gdg.3.31.hrhh'4F.HMxcK - Hamak
Creature: QKGBd FL.16Iad.9.51.hrhh.2F.QKGBd - Titanium
Creature: omHJz FL.16Iag.9.35.hrhD.1M.omHJz - Hexhaze
Creature: 53ZTn FL.16Idd.9.11.hrhh.1F.53ZTn - Euforia
Creature: wdck0 FL.16Jic.6.84.hrhh.1F.wdck0 - Wad
Creature: 2QOYU FL.16Kfd.7.21.hrhD.1M.2QOYU - 2QOYU
Creature: Z5w3P FL.16Khh.7.99.hrhD.2M.Z5w3P - Ochre
Creature: TTnbY FL.16Kia.7.85.hrhD.1M.TTnbY - Trinitrotoluen
Creature: bF9GV FL.16Lbi.8.86.hrhh.2F.bF9GV - bF9GV
Creature: 4Mfa5 FL.16Lcc.8.44.hrhh.1F.4Mfa5 - Amfetamine
Creature: 0Y2Oq FL.16Mfi.7.82.hrhr.1M.0Y2Oq - Ocean
Creature: N9YT9 FL.16Mgc.7.43.hrhh.1F.N9YT9 - Nitrogen
Creature: MDmVG FL.16Nac.4.45.hrhr.1F.MDmVG - Maam
Creature: lPWDO FL.16Ncb.4.64.hrhD.1F.lPWDO - VooDoo
Creature: ZqWfg FL.16Ngc.4.43.hrhD.2F.ZqWfg - Wetmelon
Creature: ap3C2 FL.16Nif.4.28.hrhD.2F.ap3C2 - Amperia
Creature: lrhYQ FL.16Nii.4.88.hrhD.1M.lrhYQ - Irhuck
Creature: azpFE FL.17Adh.8.19.rDhD.1M.azpFE - azpFE
Creature: tBgXr FL.17Bdf.5.21.rDhh.2F.tBgXr - Grinder
Creature: 9fXBy FL.17Bfh.5.92.rDhD.1F.9fXBy - Fixby
Creature: 0vaMb FL.17Bib.5.68.rDhh.1F.0vaMb - Ovariusz
Creature: TgCjd FL.17Cag.5.53.rDhr'3F.TgCjd - Tundra
Creature: igRvU FL.17Cci.5.48.rDhD.1M.igRvU - Igor
Creature: n8vqC FL.17Dab.2.65.rDhD.1M.n8vqC - n8vqC
Creature: qWlZA FL.17Dha.2.59.rDhr.1F.qWlZA - Qeiza
Creature: 2uzew FL.17Hff.6.22.rDhr.1F.2uzew - Susza
Creature: j7NOz FL.17Ida.9.51.rDhh.2M.j7NOz - Knife
Creature: 92UlF FL.17Ige.9.37.rDhh.1M.92UlF - Ulfryk
Creature: 7gI6B FL.17Iib.9.68.rDhh.1F.7gI6B - Giggle
Creature: b8jNh FL.17Lic.8.48.rDhh.1F.b8jNh - Bejnah
Creature: wka60 FL.17Mae.7.75.rDhD.1F.wka60 - Wka
Creature: rM8Ig FL.17Mbi.7.86.rDhD.1F.rM8Ig - Mongrel
Creature: lvmRZ FL.17Nag.4.35.rDhr.1F.lvmRZ - Iwoka
Creature: jtNlh FL.18Ace.8.47.rhhh.1M.jtNlh - jtNlh
Creature: 3gKiA FL.18Adh.8.19.rhhh.1F.3gKiA - KiA
Creature: 9hTYZ FL.18Aec.8.74.rhhh.1M.9hTYZ - Kar
Creature: NMY56 FL.18Aee.8.77.rhhr.1M.NMY56 - Nemo
Creature: QKRgN FL.18Bdg.5.31.rhhr.2M.QKRgN - Quin