The Final Outpost

Avogadro Guakamole's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Avogadro Guakamole's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • Avogadro Guakamole has 5318 creatures
  • Joined on May 28th, 2022
Creature: 3ZqAT EK.4CCA.231512161519260826.1M.3ZqAT - Arrarat
Creature: JCCzA EK.4DCA.251318142416251524.1M.JCCzA - Dzicz
Creature: EwsWP EK.4DCA.251408041808261414.2F.EwsWP - EwsWP
Creature: XsUlh EK.4DCA.252712092515252215.2M.XsUlh - XsUlh
Creature: Spr0J EK.4DGA.251512150222172516.1F.Spr0J - Sprout
Creature: o0ruZ EK.4GEA.052402092211 071206.1F.o0ruZ - Gruzja
Creature: X0Odd EK.4GFA.05 0709081812050218.2F.X0Odd - Odd
Creature: 4OxRo EK.4GGA.022416282218191819.1M.4OxRo - Oxygen
Creature: GPI1V EK.4GGA.052409221708180103'-M.GPI1V - GPI1V
Creature: jrWdL EK.4ICA.082418141616261529.1M.jrWdL - Jard
Creature: 6UrRx EK.4IFB.04032223 0709050308.1M.6UrRx - Ur
Creature: InmQo EK.4IGA.08152314150219 0709.1M.InmQo - Intime
Creature: G1CDB EK.4KFP.182127181611091202'4F.G1CDB - Glacia
Creature: TFIiF EK.4KHA.181501021424121817'4M.TFIiF - Lift
Creature: la3D6 EK.4KHA.182516080505111505.2M.la3D6 - Lad
Creature: J2Bon EK.4MHA.091415012316141212.1M.J2Bon - Bonton
Creature: NlH28 EK.4NCA.290408181722270223.3M.NlH28 - Nihil
Creature: 4UMiV EK.4OCA.190302091211282215.1F.4UMiV - UmaMia
Creature: f2U5d EK.4OCA.191523152425270112.1M.f2U5d - Freud
Creature: cpnb3 EK.4PHA.142514272705121628.1M.cpnb3 - Konopny
Creature: C9Bi3 EK.4RAC.24 0711141504291325.2F.C9Bi3 - C9Bi3
Creature: Hasez EK.4TCA.211818291826231618.1F.Hasez - Hasez
Creature: b5KnY EK.4THA.211425182518120228.2M.b5KnY - Kink
Creature: SPKsd EK.4UAC.11110223 0723291329'-F.SPKsd - Spooks
Creature: 4bus6 EK.4UGA.111818180304190221.2F.4bus6 - Bus 46
Creature: oZulO EK.4VCA.161702130505251527.1M.oZulO - Ozulo
Creature: 7SgOn EK.4VFA.150527221604022205.1M.7SgOn - Sajgon
Creature: uztc3 EK.4VFA.152503060525080105.1M.uztc3 - uztc3
Creature: vPmUf EK.4VFA.161525240512051814.1M.vPmUf - vPmUf
Creature: uQO5p EK.4VGA.160502151201162709.1M.uQO5p - uQO5p
Creature: 6p9zX EK.4VGC.151509181816191325.1M.6p9zX - Poxhead
Creature: 2Ek7P EK.4VHA.151425151214131203.1M.2Ek7P - Ekto
Creature: 2zRcR EK.4VHA.160412040622111518.1F.2zRcR - Razor
Creature: mhj6y EK.4VHB.150513282614140313.1M.mhj6y - Mahogan
Creature: oFClY EK.5AFA.031514122308051629.1F.oFClY - Felicit
Creature: JIgu9 EK.5DCA.281805251418260201.4F.JIgu9 - Jingle
Creature: omnmA EK.5DFA.251815250814051816.1F.omnmA - Omnomno
Creature: mj0DN EK.5ECC.262419121628231305.1F.mj0DN - Mjodek
Creature: myEPR EK.5JFA.1214180301150822 07.1M.myEPR - Epr
Creature: YTPWr EK.5KAA.180508251418290405.1F.YTPWr - YTPWr
Creature: 0Byhe EK.5LGA.061318121528191726.1M.0Byhe - Byhe
Creature: NKP8Y EK.5LHA.061219122306151515.1F.NKP8Y - NKP8Y
Creature: pwz8H EK.5RCA.241818252727260616.1M.pwz8H - Poftur
Creature: ecBnJ EK.5SCA.222504252505251211.1M.ecBnJ - Benjami
Creature: JgHIc EK.5UFA.171916251518042815.1F.JgHIc - Iglica
Creature: cn6EC EK.5UHA.171219171119142508.1M.cn6EC - Cent
Creature: gZIi7 EK.5VBA.151422252816222405.1M.gZIi7 - Glizjus
Creature: 5KQac EK.5VFA.152522250525022825.1F.5KQac - 5KQac
Creature: MV0e0 EK.5VFA.161116251115021828.1M.MV0e0 - Mewa
Creature: gZ7UH EK.5VHA.150409251519131415.1M.gZ7UH - gZ7UH