The Final Outpost

Avogadro Guakamole's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Avogadro Guakamole's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • Avogadro Guakamole has 5318 creatures
  • Joined on May 28th, 2022
Creature: fNpOj FF.DDD.3M.fNpOj - fNpOj
Creature: 17Bnn FF.DDh.3M.17Bnn - Benjamin
Creature: 4TgiN FF.DhD.1M.4TgiN - Atgin
Creature: 4PFVb FF.DhD.3F.4PFVb - Flipper
Creature: evVR3 FF.Dhh.1M.evVR3 - Ever
Creature: 5eKSI FF.Dhr.1F.5eKSI - Seksi
Creature: H1yiA FF.Drh.1M.H1yiA - Hiacint
Creature: qmIL0 FF.hDD.1F.qmIL0 - Mila
Creature: bTaT0 FF.hDD.3M.bTaT0 - Batat
Creature: 8ceyZ FF.hDr.1M.8ceyZ - 8ceyZ
Creature: lOarh FF.hhD.1M.lOarh - lOarh
Creature: qeaAQ FF.hhD.2F.qeaAQ - Query
Creature: CLcaw FF.hhh.1F.CLcaw - Claw
Creature: 7OQmI FF.hhr.2M.7OQmI - Vanitas
Creature: z1KfT FF.hrD.1F.z1KfT - z1KfT
Creature: 5864M FF.hrh.1F.5864M - Numeri
Creature: b0U26 FF.hrh.1F.b0U26 - b0U26
Creature: i4Gkw FF.hrh.1F.i4Gkw - i4Gkw
Creature: kTrKQ FF.hrh.1F.kTrKQ - kTrKQ
Creature: 2utOy FF.hrh.1M.2utOy - Tutoy
Creature: gtnZI FF.hrr.1F.gtnZI - Gato
Creature: w8PGg FF.rDD.1F.w8PGg - w8PGg
Creature: d4hmb FF.rDh.1F.d4hmb - Dumb
Creature: 4XOib FF.rDh.1M.4XOib - Axoib
Creature: 2sHiW FF.rDh.3F.2sHiW - 2sHiW
Creature: MSpfD FF.rDr.1F.MSpfD - Misfit
Creature: IgHEX FF.rhD.1F.IgHEX - Hex
Creature: Ja84H FF.rhD.1M.Ja84H - Jah
Creature: C3bxU FF.rhh.1F.C3bxU - C3bxU
Creature: ty224 FF.rhh.1F.ty224 - ty224
Creature: VaEqh FF.rhh.1F.VaEqh - VaEqh
Creature: man7m FF.rhr.1M.man7m - man7m
Creature: vJRQ5 FT.DDr.1M.vJRQ5 - vJRQ5
Creature: gXXxg FT.DhD.1F.gXXxg - gXXxg
Creature: jqPN6 FT.DhD.1F.jqPN6 - jqPN6
Creature: Z3zm1 FT.DhD.1F.Z3zm1 - Z3zm1
Creature: s3ti3 FT.Dhh.3F.s3ti3 - s3ti3
Creature: AVSsa FT.Dhr.1F.AVSsa - AVSsa
Creature: N1eeb FT.Drh.1F.N1eeb - N1eeb
Creature: XnBNs FT.Drh.1F.XnBNs - XnBNs
Creature: I2Uzu FT.Drr.1F.I2Uzu - I2Uzu
Creature: 1vyrB FT.hDh.1M.1vyrB - Ivy
Creature: qpX0S FT.hDh.2M.qpX0S - qpX0S
Creature: rlhGW FT.hhD.1M.rlhGW - rlhGW
Creature: HXIvL FT.hhh.1F.HXIvL - HXIvL
Creature: ItYo0 FT.hrD.1F.ItYo0 - ItYo0
Creature: AKhLd FT.hrD.1M.AKhLd - AKhLd
Creature: 8EDOm FT.hrr.1F.8EDOm - 8EDOm
Creature: yf0G8 FT.rDD.1F.yf0G8 - yf0G8
Creature: nkhup FT.rDD.1M.nkhup - nkhup