The Final Outpost

AriQa's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is AriQa's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • AriQa has 5686 creatures
  • Joined on March 14th, 2021
Creature: c8UPO Chestnut Varnish Roan BS
Creature: aomKw Chestnut Tobiano WL 1SS
Creature: AEH4k Chestnut Tobiano Leopard WL 1E
Creature: aZ6ER Chestnut Tobiano Leopard BrS Baldface
Creature: rZSD5 Chestnut Tobiano D Baldface 2DS
Creature: fzH5G Chestnut Tobiano ChL
Creature: hE6HO Chestnut Tobiano BrF
Creature: ECqd3 Chestnut Tobiano BrBr Baldface 3S
Creature: LY4Yq Chestnut Splashed White Spotted Blanket BF
Creature: RH2gm Chestnut Splashed White Snowcap
Creature: n1cN1 Chestnut Splashed White ChF
Creature: psjhx Chestnut Sooty Tobiano BS
Creature: TqUGu Chestnut Sooty Roan ChF 4S
Creature: Ia29B Chestnut Sooty ChS 3FL
Creature: RRKp9 Chestnut Sooty ChS
Creature: aF5qc Chestnut Sooty ChL
Creature: 8fhIo Chestnut Sooty CF
Creature: 4wQZt Chestnut Sooty BrBr
Creature: 9eSaf Chestnut Sooty BL 3S
Creature: j2RXU Chestnut Sooty BBr 1E
Creature: ftmZW Chestnut Snowcap ChF
Creature: 2ctto Chestnut Sabino Spotted Blanket BrF
Creature: Yw1rx Chestnut Sabino Leopard ChS 3FL
Creature: Hy9P8 Chestnut Sabino CS 4S
Creature: N2h6B Chestnut Sabino CBr
Creature: JgF7c Chestnut Roan ChS Baldface 1SHS
Creature: 2StLH Chestnut Roan ChS Baldface
Creature: FqrJS Chestnut Roan ChS
Creature: O9KM0 Chestnut Roan BrF 4ST
Creature: FAfmO Chestnut Roan BrBr
Creature: c4BVx Chestnut Roan BF
Creature: 9cKrx Chestnut Roan BBr
Creature: uC5aJ Chestnut Rabicano Spotted Blanket ChS Baldfac
Creature: tlIYh Chestnut Rabicano ChS 4S
Creature: pW8Jd Chestnut Rabicano ChF
Creature: 88eKe Chestnut Rabicano CF
Creature: Y1gTG Chestnut Rabicano BS Baldface 4S
Creature: X9LVF Chestnut Rabicano BS
Creature: mHMHC Chestnut Overo Ir
Creature: Rw8NB Chestnut Overo CS 4S
Creature: TK4jV Chestnut Overo CS 2DSO
Creature: OBdzc Chestnut Overo ChS 3S
Creature: loSyH Chestnut Overo ChS
Creature: u3umV Chestnut Overo ChL 3FL
Creature: NKukS Chestnut Overo CF
Creature: qvlbH Chestnut Overo BS 1SHS
Creature: IKzTL Chestnut Overo BrS
Creature: Cif9V Chestnut Leopard BrL
Creature: uPDN3 Chestnut Ir 3FL
Creature: eh36Y Chestnut Dark Brindle Tobiano ChF