The Final Outpost

AriQa's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is AriQa's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • AriQa has 5694 creatures
  • Joined on March 14th, 2021
Creature: xJkc5 White WL Baldface 2DS
Creature: ZYJxV White WL
Creature: 07PgX White White Brindle Roan BS
Creature: 5ZqV3 White White Brindle Leopard WL 1P
Creature: wr7Qe White White Brindle Ir 4S
Creature: 8Q0DH White White Brindle D
Creature: 9JOME White Tobiano Snowcap CS 2DSO
Creature: IIBVf White Tobiano Ir
Creature: DMfXm White Tobiano CS
Creature: foxZS White Tobiano ChS
Creature: ViL3a White Tobiano BrBr
Creature: GLEj8 White Spotted Blanket BL Baldface
Creature: ZDj5R White Splashed White ChS Baldface
Creature: nz7oY White Splashed White CF
Creature: olBhC White Sooty Overo Spotted Blanket BL 3FL
Creature: JGoy6 White Sooty Ch
Creature: 81NOH White Snowcap BrL
Creature: ovTI0 White Snowcap BrF 1SHS
Creature: EfJz6 White Roan ChS
Creature: r1ODS White Roan ChF
Creature: QKtZh White Overo CBr
Creature: Q29zX White Overo BBr 2DSO
Creature: iubHq White Ir
Creature: roYrJ White Dapple WL
Creature: YD4zW White dapple Ir 4S
Creature: oq81u White Dapple D
Creature: Pow16 White Dapple CL 3S
Creature: NViRw White D
Creature: 4EmKR White CS 1SS
Creature: 5V7jQ White CS 1SHS
Creature: ZlwLg White CS 1E
Creature: rDydX White CS
Creature: hUizz White ChS Baldface
Creature: vqHf8 White ChS 4ST
Creature: OFNyc White ChS 3S
Creature: IBo7k White ChS 3FL
Creature: OcriY White ChS 1E
Creature: ZX5M8 White ChL 2DSO
Creature: 9SOcy White ChL 1SHS
Creature: e0GQg White ChL
Creature: z9Tcj White ChF 3S
Creature: FgZyx White ChF 2DSO
Creature: mD2wa White ChF
Creature: XefYc White ChBr Baldface 2DSO
Creature: OQsfZ White ChBr Baldface
Creature: up1Kd White CF 4S
Creature: uN5h8 White CBr 2DSO
Creature: 6FFrc White CBr
Creature: 5GZzB White BS Baldface 2DSO
Creature: Xtdte White BS 4S