The Final Outpost

AnomalyBeans's lab

A heavy metal door with an intricate locking system leads into the cluttered laboratory within. Bubbling beakers, whirring machinery, squeaking animals from their cages, and other sounds fill the laboratory. Bright greens and oranges light up the place, casting light upon walls littered in papers pinned to their surfaces with anatomical sketches of the creatures studied within. Here, in the lab of anomalies, a lone scientist studies odd gene combinations and strange, often overlooked creatures. Dedicated to the biodiversity and delicate balance of the world, down to the smallest creature.
  • AnomalyBeans has 1169 creatures
  • Joined on March 11th, 2024
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Badge Beta Tester
Creature: OCA5K Pink Flame
Creature: QWEH1 Sandpup
Creature: CUM94 Stalker
Creature: nKp9H Shadeberry
Creature: r9W8h Parakeet
Creature: mQ8kU Gunmetal
Creature: 661eV Confetti Streamer
Creature: CrnbZ Speckled Pumice
Creature: Qfo7H Valentines
Creature: z5PeD Cotton Tummy
Creature: 5iSoq Gacha
Creature: AEINU Quartz
Creature: QxwXT Scwhnowser
Creature: ti9EF Blood Moon
Creature: Q5jNI Savanna
Creature: xyx3l Lilac Honey
Creature: lkqXr Snowpup
Creature: zzA3D Paranorma
Creature: 0Y8ef Pebbles in the Snow
Creature: twHjY Snowpiercer
Creature: JGoJa Chip
Creature: MA7lA Sparrow
Creature: k4jij Golden Sun
Creature: 2oBs8 Ghost
Creature: y95OD Golden Shimmer
Creature: pDcXd Lapis Angel
Creature: 7fk2Q Cookie
Creature: SswSL Iced Cocoa
Creature: iBx1v Conflict
Creature: JSYq0 Amethyst Gold
Creature: 2nbb7 Freezr
Creature: rRSSe Elsa
Creature: YGO4d Shadow
Creature: x4AuB Starpunk
Creature: 200Mh 200 Megahertz
Creature: X1OG8 Drift
Creature: 59edx Red Hot
Creature: SShb5 Lurker
Creature: 7i5PU Snowball
Creature: EIipB Firehouse
Creature: TET68 Carrot
Creature: P5kBr Big Blue Mountain
Creature: DKbyE Wine
Creature: xhzk7 Cheeta
Creature: rEPGA Seaweed
Creature: szV0t Midnight Greenery
Creature: VLag8 Nether
Creature: wumge Silent Green
Creature: 0nu8k Nightfall
Creature: vPXnI Warming Ice