The Final Outpost

AnomalyBeans's lab

A heavy metal door with an intricate locking system leads into the cluttered laboratory within. Bubbling beakers, whirring machinery, squeaking animals from their cages, and other sounds fill the laboratory. Bright greens and oranges light up the place, casting light upon walls littered in papers pinned to their surfaces with anatomical sketches of the creatures studied within. Here, in the lab of anomalies, a lone scientist studies odd gene combinations and strange, often overlooked creatures. Dedicated to the biodiversity and delicate balance of the world, down to the smallest creature.
  • AnomalyBeans has 1169 creatures
  • Joined on March 11th, 2024
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Badge Beta Tester
Creature: kNzHo Roadside Grass
Creature: xos5j Volcano
Creature: XDSPU Lava Vent
Creature: 7G58w Firework
Creature: N5xua Crimson
Creature: TYXuz Parrot
Creature: TuVPL Ornamental
Creature: nyBEi Corruption
Creature: PJUoj Quartz Cave
Creature: f6ssD Sunset
Creature: bse2I Watermelon
Creature: TJVPe Deep Green
Creature: 8v0m4 Sapphire
Creature: gmIj3 Pearly Ice
Creature: wgCcy Hurlers
Creature: rrFvq Gold Harvest
Creature: vMaxI Max
Creature: oyjIP Tiger in the Dark
Creature: g1UGQ Cujo
Creature: ETGoJ Silverback
Creature: qM5DJ Shimmer
Creature: zRFn3 Sherd
Creature: gENbe Skulk
Creature: WJoWL Chalk
Creature: ynFxk Harvest
Creature: 1o5Wo Hunt
Creature: A7JUn Black Forest
Creature: zQfwJ Pink Ivory
Creature: 30OcY Oggy
Creature: ma0Ba Maoba