The Final Outpost

AnomalousReadings's lab

As you enter this particular laboratory, you quietly take note of the label taped outside the door: "Dr. Leah". The room is oddly furnished, with souvenirs and various dead specimens in different states of preservation hanging on the walls and sitting on shelves. As you move about to examine the place further, you can't help but notice the stark contrast of cleanliness between the pristine lab area and the chaotic mess of Dr. Leah's computer desk, which is almost completely covered in journals, paperwork, sticky notes, and picture frames, nearly drowning the desktop computer itself.
  • AnomalousReadings has 277 creatures
  • Joined on February 9th, 2021
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Creature: 5tQ0y 5tQ0y
Creature: QrHzf QrHzf
Creature: bpjHN bpjHN
Creature: pHdBm pHdBm
Creature: A4ogo A4ogo
Creature: G0TvV G0TvV
Creature: ONfMV ONfMV
Creature: c7KCe c7KCe
Creature: ZfjOc Drakken
Creature: 2i0FO Kintsugi