The Final Outpost

Angelch17's lab

The sign on the door reads: Angelch17 in large letters. As you look inside you see that the lab is filled with strange and exciting creatures and equipment. Tests and more are being performed regularly by the automated caregivers. The lab is starting to fill up nicely with incoming creatures that are being found. A small desk that sits in the rear of the lab is piled with paperwork. Not just paperwork though as there are drawings and sketches of some horselike creatures mixed in. Could this be some sort of new creature that has been discovered?
  • Angelch17 has 1848 creatures
  • Joined on April 14th, 2021
Creature: Ud4mW Ud4mW
Creature: Hn5su Hn5su
Creature: gB3vN gB3vN
Creature: 6bgOU Bloodbutt
Creature: WVFpq Brunor
Creature: CKshq DarkDeer
Creature: Lp7XW Devon
Creature: VA2J3 G1 BloodtailZebra VA2J3
Creature: 5CklI G1 Golden-RedDeerVelvet 5CklI
Creature: W3Art G1 GoldenArt W3Art
Creature: HrAVk G1 GoldenBloodtail HrAVk
Creature: VWF7J G1 GoldenDesire VWF7J
Creature: 6igWc G1 GoldMystery 6igWc
Creature: KwBd1 G1 KwBd1
Creature: TMeWN G2
Creature: Ik4gr G2 IkAGor
Creature: Mkm0y G2 MkMeFlame
Creature: kDCSi G2 Starion
Creature: ek3Gd G2 TigerEekGads ek3Gd
Creature: b7Acq G3 Ranger
Creature: LAs0E Laslo LAs0E
Creature: Mgmlw Mgmlw
Creature: UkbMv MiniMarshmallows
Creature: zjiT5 PurpleEyedDappaloose
Creature: HsenZ Spotted Fiend
Creature: glAPB Tarzan
Creature: upm5R Thump3r
Creature: 05Z08 G1 05Z08
Creature: 9Ehki G1 9Ehki
Creature: CdHXz G1 CdHXz
Creature: elUSl G1 elUSl
Creature: Fw4gO G1 Fw4gO
Creature: ybMII G1 Giamma
Creature: GkmGe G1 GkmGe
Creature: HapTX G1 HappyTexan HapTX
Creature: JmGts G1 JmGts
Creature: LcbPn G1 LcbPn
Creature: lfOal G1 lfOal
Creature: mvpFk G1 mvpFk
Creature: oZ0TP G1 oZ0TP
Creature: PqsVa G1 PqsVa
Creature: d6AKf G1 SF - d6AKf
Creature: sIc11 G1 sIc11
Creature: MXott G1 Spotted MXott
Creature: V7QYq G1 Zebrina V7QYq