The Final Outpost

Angelch17's lab

The sign on the door reads: Angelch17 in large letters. As you look inside you see that the lab is filled with strange and exciting creatures and equipment. Tests and more are being performed regularly by the automated caregivers. The lab is starting to fill up nicely with incoming creatures that are being found. A small desk that sits in the rear of the lab is piled with paperwork. Not just paperwork though as there are drawings and sketches of some horselike creatures mixed in. Could this be some sort of new creature that has been discovered?
  • Angelch17 has 1848 creatures
  • Joined on April 14th, 2021
Creature: Ipk5f G1 AppaloosaShowpony Ipk5f
Creature: oVQYl G1 BlackLeo oVQYl
Creature: k4rn3 G1 BluGreyLeo Karne k4rn3
Creature: 0RtWJ G1 BluSteelGreyZorra 0RtWJ
Creature: SjwZH G1 ButtermilkVarnish TearSymphony SjwZH
Creature: kGgyE G1 ChestnutLeopard kGgyE
Creature: k7bRE G1 ChestnutSpotted k7bRE
Creature: FHyw3 G1 FHyw3
Creature: EpR9k G1 Hawkeye EpR9k
Creature: d6XgJ G1 HezaBluePrince d6XgJ
Creature: W3fWY G1 HezaSpottedChestnut W3fWY
Creature: jZGym G1 jZGym
Creature: wA2YA G1 LtGreyRabicanoLeo wA2YA
Creature: m1Nov G1 NovemberRain m1Nov
Creature: gEVkO G1 PrinceAppaloosa gEVkO
Creature: T6cAV G1 RoseGreySpottedSooty T6cAV
Creature: EnDJc G1 RoseGreyVarnishRoan EnDJc
Creature: HnDS9 G1 RunningWind HnDS9
Creature: wQYxo G1 Spot wQYxo
Creature: 1P8em G1 SpotlessBlackBart 1P8em
Creature: hUv1a G1 Spotted hUv1a
Creature: DKfy1 G1 SpottedPalomino DKfy1
Creature: NYUp9 G1 white Leopard NYUp9
Creature: XvSAX G1 XvSAX
Creature: yvXSH G1 yvXSH
Creature: XFSGR G1 Amazing XFSGR
Creature: WspKx G1 Appaloosa WspKx
Creature: 6YDTT G1 BlackDapples 6YDTT
Creature: sbCBD G1 BlackSpottedBeastie sbCBD
Creature: C4qtN G1 BlkSpottedSooty C4qtN
Creature: G1Rti G1 BlueGrey Barta G1Rti
Creature: r2gKY G1 buttermilk Spotted r2gKY
Creature: 2eyFY G1 ChestnutMindy 2eyFY
Creature: EwT9h G1 EwT9h
Creature: 7XGdL G1 Leopard FrameOvero DrkBrnd RoseGry 7XGdL
Creature: G6QIP G1 LeopardGal G6QIP
Creature: 8KtAx G1 LtGrey Leopard 8KtAx
Creature: OajGz G1 OajGz
Creature: oq0BA G1 oq0BA
Creature: CXFEZ G1 PurpleDemonBlood CXFEZ
Creature: AT44O G1 SilverMicrodot AT44O
Creature: Npkxq G1 Varnish Rain Npkxq
Creature: zX0ju G1 VarnishedChestnutPony zX0ju
Creature: azosf G1 VarnishRoanChestnut azosf
Creature: 1FpSB G1 White Spotted 1FpSB
Creature: lKGtE G1 WindRacer lKGtE