The Final Outpost

Allstohel's lab

The door in front of you is worn at the edges but nonetheless sturdy, painted a shade off white. Where there should be a nameplate there are only two empty screwholes, half clogged with paint. You knock, and regret it when the room fills with muffled howls and barks, soon joined by a long-defeated voice before the door is wrenched open by a short, wild-haired woman. She peeres up at you through thick-rimmed glasses, though her scowl is as soft as the sun-spotted Suna Hundo that rushes past her to meet you. It grabs your sleeve, dragging you into the warm, woodsy kennels to meet its pack.
  • Allstohel has 238 creatures
  • Joined on May 22nd, 2021
Badge Winter Solstice 2021 (Bronze)
Badge Halloween 2021 (Bronze)
Badge Beta Tester
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Creature: k9Qik aaB-a-abcc-AaC
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Creature: i48dF i48dF