The Final Outpost

lamel's lab

On the entrance of this lab sticks a note: "Want a special Muska? Ask the stuff, maybe we can breed it for You!" When You step in, You recognize many paperstacks between big cages where the hatchlings are in. All pets are cataloged in lists, pedigrees and possible future-matings are noted. There is a steady noise level of all different pets and many of the adults move free everywhere, so be careful, not to stumple over one of them. You recognize a open door to the garden, where some of the pets lay in the sun. All pets seem very relaxed and trustful, and some follow You, to get a treat.
  • lamel has 5024 creatures
  • Joined on October 11th, 2021
Creature: z7EhX Black-AABB-F2-M - Zehxo
Creature: 7iEw5 Black-AABB-F3-M - Stiew
Creature: uYwJD Dark-AABb-F1-W - Emerald-Crystals
Creature: GrIMw Dark-AABb-P0-W - Girl-Miow
Creature: FWEEb Gold-aaBB-F3-W - Feebi
Creature: borbi Gold-aaBB-F4-M - Borbi
Creature: u8ZZ5 Gold-aaBB-P0-M - Uzzo
Creature: yndVt Gray-AAbb-F3-M - Yndo
Creature: cYAdl Gray-AAbb-F4-W - Caydela
Creature: 2nWeo Gray-AAbb-P0-W - Weona
Creature: 48cZm Green-AaBb-F1-M - Achtundvierzig-Zentimeter
Creature: aB2AY Green-AaBb-F1-M - Bay-Boy
Creature: BGSZv Green-AaBb-F1-M - Begano
Creature: Mu9Vq Green-AaBb-F1-M - Muvo
Creature: OT7RC Green-AaBb-F1-M - OT-Rico
Creature: E3HWH Green-AaBb-F2-M - Hawanero
Creature: BSj2i Green-AaBb-F2-W - Bisji
Creature: HE9ze Green-AaBb-F3-W - Hezela
Creature: OMBdD Green-AaBb-F4-M - Omar
Creature: NTC4Q Green-AaBb-F5-M - Nateco
Creature: ARcsX Green-AaBb-P0-M - Arcsax
Creature: AbTfj Green-AaBb-P0-W - Abigail
Creature: lqh9w Green-AaBb-P0-W - Iquewana
Creature: mkO0E Green-AaBb-P0-W - Mikoe
Creature: 1PtRg Green-AaBb-P0-W - Petra
Creature: 5Zdla Red-AaBB-F1-M - Redhead
Creature: 4DxrZ Red-AaBB-F1-W - Rote-Zora
Creature: dbrFt Red-AaBB-F2-M - Dibero
Creature: QAdIC Red-AaBB-F2-M - Just-Like-Daddy
Creature: MuUpc Red-AaBB-F3-M - Mupeco
Creature: KPgrX Red-AaBB-P0-W - Kaprexa
Creature: mn3Ed Red-AaBB-P0-W - Mineda
Creature: VRbGQ Sand-Aabb-F1-W - Verabing
Creature: OQkfC Sand-Aabb-F2-W - Sandbreaker
Creature: iQ9T1 Sand-Aabb-P0-W - Sandy
Creature: q4Ak3 Swamp-aaBb-F1-W - Wakuna
Creature: 9wXod Swamp-aaBb-F2-W - Xodine
Creature: CjFei Swamp-aaBb-F4-W - Fading
Creature: ZeCmj Swamp-aaBb-P0-W - Zecimja
Creature: AhH6Y White-aabb-F4-W-mix - Ahoya
Creature: jj8zI White-aabb-F5-W-mix - Jazla