The Final Outpost

lamel's lab

On the entrance of this lab sticks a note: "Want a special Muska? Ask the stuff, maybe we can breed it for You!" When You step in, You recognize many paperstacks between big cages where the hatchlings are in. All pets are cataloged in lists, pedigrees and possible future-matings are noted. There is a steady noise level of all different pets and many of the adults move free everywhere, so be careful, not to stumple over one of them. You recognize a open door to the garden, where some of the pets lay in the sun. All pets seem very relaxed and trustful, and some follow You, to get a treat.
  • lamel has 4931 creatures
  • Joined on October 11th, 2021
Creature: FkLhh FkLhh
Creature: Aj9TD Aj9TD
Creature: VFlcq VFlcq
Creature: qONKQ qONKQ
Creature: xWlhX xWlhX
Creature: zvGbd zvGbd
Creature: 3zAPV 3zAPV
Creature: N26iY N26iY
Creature: PCPOn PCPOn
Creature: SXkfJ SXkfJ
Creature: X8HHp X8HHp
Creature: a6gEl a6gEl
Creature: bKghO bKghO
Creature: cKUOB cKUOB
Creature: hghGY hghGY
Creature: pfvVx pfvVx
Creature: vykwD vykwD
Creature: wRn03 wRn03
Creature: C8BFC AaBb-F1-M - Cabeco
Creature: qlVcN AABb-F1-M - Darko
Creature: Fc9XF AaBb-F1-M - Faxen-im-Kopf
Creature: 1ntMb AABb-F1-M - Mambo
Creature: SMDT0 Aabb-F1-M - Smudo
Creature: U8eXC aaBb-F1-M - Tigroid
Creature: tnQ7m AABb-F1-M - Toni
Creature: uZLWx Aabb-F1-M - Uzewo
Creature: g6R2M aaBB-F1-M-mix - Gremlin
Creature: ATf9y aaBb-F1-W - Atify
Creature: C8QSL AABb-F1-W - Caecilia
Creature: 6mXzp aaBB-F1-W - Citrina
Creature: OR3DO AaBB-F1-W - Oredo
Creature: iG5pD aabb-F1-W-mix - Chess
Creature: mBnOM Aabb-F1-W-mix - Mbonoma
Creature: JkIbv aaBb-F1-W-mix - Schakeline
Creature: xD82O AaBB-F2-M - Ducato
Creature: wo6TQ AaBB-F2-M-mix - Soeckchen
Creature: msDRF AaBb-F2-W - Dwarf
Creature: sWFeD aabb-F2-W - Sweet-Silver
Creature: YIBkI aaBb-F2-W - Ylbeki
Creature: 4wsAF aabb-F2-W-mix - Blotched-Tiger
Creature: eXCNo aabb-F2-W-mix - Lexcino
Creature: qvMJz AaBb-F3-M - Amethyst-Whyskers
Creature: 8782X aaBb-F3-M - Two-Times
Creature: YkYy6 AaBb-F3-M - Yakyo
Creature: GW4yy aabb-F3-M-mix - Gewayy
Creature: P8Y1Y aaBb-F3-M-mix - Perry
Creature: aqWug aabb-F3-M-mix - Wugo
Creature: I5EAB Aabb-F3-W-mix - Sabine
Creature: JKyss AAbb-P0-M - Jacky-Ass
Creature: SVL16 Aabb-P0-M - Silvio