The Final Outpost

DrJackusBrightus's lab

You walk into a lab door that was left ajar, finding the room inside in a state of disaray. Test tubes and beakers lay about, and there's burn and scratch marks around the walls. Above a terminal on the far end, a faded banner hangs, something from before the war. You could swear you know that logo, but can no longer place it. Oddly enough, a bed covered in stuffed animals is in the far corner, and of course, the lab owner is organizing them. Without much warning, the orange haired man whirls to face you, an excited and toothy smile on his face. "Hello there!! You are?"

  • DrJackusBrightus has 103 creatures
  • Joined on January 5th, 2024
Badge Beta Tester
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Creature: 6wToC 6wToC
Creature: 9ahpH 9ahpH
Creature: SCP82 SCP82
Creature: pVvqZ pVvqZ
Creature: tZZ1h tZZ1h
Creature: O2UOO Aqua
Creature: AiezY Azzaro
Creature: BVGzA Binkle
Creature: YHGdk Bitey
Creature: uLj08 Branch
Creature: aZk8f Cheep
Creature: F5CDq Darwin
Creature: E7Mo0 Emu
Creature: z3YE3 Eyes
Creature: t7CZT Fae
Creature: 2t0YQ Farig
Creature: Hm565 Indestructible
Creature: IWVON Jazz
Creature: uupiT Jump
Creature: wgsPp Koi
Creature: LHX41 Lex
Creature: NEOMy Nemo
Creature: DpAU8 Nether
Creature: 5PngH Sand
Creature: xQ4xk Scratchy
Creature: NVwQN Shrew
Creature: 2pZVn Sleepy
Creature: 3Nzfz Terra
Creature: xT6PF Twig
Creature: qEGJx Twiggy
Creature: ec9dc Tyke
Creature: WjXEO Urias
Creature: moIVT Varcolac